February 22, 2014

Thank you for being unkind

I am a Highly Sensitive Person.  

I used to think this meant that people should be kinder and cater to my sensitivities.  My mother always says that she can only be who she is, whenever I chide her for being too insensitive.  I always thought this was a cop-out.  

After all, we always have a choice in how we behave.

I'm starting to think however that maybe it's better that people don't cater to my sensitivities because how else would I grow?  How else would I become stronger and more resilient?  How else would I learn about my sensitivities and learn to nurture, love and accept that part of me?

If nobody shines light on my sensitivities then they will remain in the darkness where they can never be healed.

Quote of the Day

“We emerge into the light not by denying our pain, but by walking through it.” 
― Joan Borysenko